- By car from Germany
- Freeway A8 direction Salzburg
- Continue on A1 (subject to toll, MAUT)
- At the Salzburg interchange, keep right and follow the signs for the A10/E55 in the direction of Villach/Salzburg Süd/Italy/Ljublijana/Slovenia (MAUT)
- At the highway junction 47 Pongau/Bischofshofen keep right and follow the signs B311 in the direction of Bischofshofen/Pongau
- Turn left onto Gasteiner Bundesstraße/B167
- Turn right onto the bus stop route
- Turn right onto Weinetsberg
- Turn left to stay on Weinetsberg
- Continue on the bus stop route
- DAS.GOLDBERG is located on the right-hand side
- By car from Austria
- Western highway Vienna – Salzburg (A1)
- Keep right on E55 (signs to A10/Italy/Slovenia/Graz/Villach)
- Continue on A10
- At the highway junction 47 Pongau/Bischofshofen keep right and follow the signs B311 in the direction of Bischofshofen/Pongau
- Turn left onto Gasteiner Bundesstraße B167
- Turn right onto the bus stop route
- Turn right onto Weinetsberg. Turn left to stay on Weinetsberg
- Continue on the bus stop route
- DAS.GOLDBERG is located on the right-hand side
- By train or plane
Here you will find travel information and connections if you are traveling to the Gastein Valley by train.
Also information on transfer options from Salzburg Airport. >> Open travel time map Gastein (PDF)Options for booking a flight to Salzburg via: transfer from Salzburg or Munich airport directly to the hotel:
- Salzburg – Bad Hofgastein: Euro 210.00 up to 3 persons | Euro 230.00 from 4 persons
- Munich – Bad Hofgastein: Euro 410.00 up to 3 persons | Euro 430.00 from 4 persons